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#楼主# 2022-11-10

BCR Abl kinase and mutants, such as compounds which target decrease or inhibit the activity of c Abl family members and their gene fusion products, such as an N phenyl 2 pyrimidine amine derivative, such as imatinib or nilotinib AMN107; PD180970; AG957; NSC 680410; PD173955 from ParkeDavis; or dasatinib BMS 354825; j compounds targeting, decreasing or inhibiting the activity of members of the protein kinase C PKC and Raf family of serine threonine kinases, members of the MEK, SRC, JAK pan JAK, FAK, PDK1, PKB Akt, Ras MAPK, PI3K, SYK, TYK2, BTK and TEC family, and or members of the cyclin dependent kinase family CDK including staurosporine derivatives, such as midostaurin; examples of further compounds include UCN 01, safingol, BAY 43 9006, Bryostatin 1, Perifosine; llmofosine; RO 318220 and RO 320432; GO 6976; lsis 3521; LY333531 LY379196; isochinoline compounds; FTIs; PD184352 or QAN697 a PI3K inhibitor or AT7519 CDK inhibitor; k compounds targeting, decreasing or inhibiting the activity of protein tyrosine kinase inhibitors, such as compounds which target, decrease or inhibit the activity of protein tyrosine kinase inhibitors include imatinib mesylate Gleevec or tyrphostin such as Tyrphostin A23 RG 50810; AG 99; Tyrphostin AG 213; Tyrphostin AG 1748; Tyrphostin AG 490; Tyrphostin B44; Tyrphostin B44 enantiomer; Tyrphostin AG 555; AG 494; Tyrphostin AG 556, AG957 and adaphostin 4 benzoic acid adamantyl ester; NSC 680410, adaphostin; 1 compounds targeting, decreasing or inhibiting the activity of the epidermal growth factor family of receptor tyrosine kinases EGFR 1 ErbB2, ErbB3, ErbB4 as homo or heterodimers and their mutants, such as compounds which target, decrease or inhibit the activity of the epidermal growth factor receptor family are especially compounds, proteins or antibodies which inhibit members of the EGF receptor tyrosine kinase family, such as EGF receptor, ErbB2, ErbB3 and ErbB4 or bind to EGF or EGF related ligands, CP 358774, ZD 1839, ZM 105180; trastuzumab Herceptin, cetuximab Erbitux, Iressa, Tarceva, OSI 774, Cl 1033, EKB 569, GW 2016, E1 <a href=http://nolvadex.one/>tamoxifen action</a> Trans Am Acad Ophthalmol Otolaryngol



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